2. Wol.exe
3. Mac address of the first computer.In cmd type ipconfig /all
4. A second computer.
1. Enable Wake on LAN feature in the bios of the machine.It is usualy found under power management
2. In cmd type ipconfig /all to get the mac address of the first computer.
3. In the second computer go to Start menu > Control panel > Task scheduler.
4. Create a new scheduled job with the following settings
4. In the Run text-box enter "D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\wol.exe" 001cc4bdd756 9
-where the the link points to the wol.exe file.
-where the 001cc4bdd756 is the mac address of the first computer and the last digit 9 is the port number
5.In the Start as text box enter "D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads"
-which is the folder where wol.exe is found.
6.Edit the schedule to reflect the time you want the wake on lan magic packets to be sent to computer one.
7. Install Auto Shutdown Genius in the first computer.
8. Schedule the shut down times for computer one.
9. Voila you have a functioning machine that can strart up whenever you schedule it to.
10. You can also use this site to do it automaticaly on your phone or cyber cafe or from home