Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Oh my God another update

   I think all code on a software should come as a single package .No updates .What updates means is that we build software so crappy and bogous that we cant wait until the next major version or service pack to fix all the holes in our software. Take win 7 for example , all those security updates just render the machine slower and the likelyhood of being unable to start .Its the single thing that cursed windows 7. Nice that windows 8 is coming but its own problems. They seem to solve problems from the previous version then onto the next one.
      But dont be fooled  win 8 under the hood isnt that differrent from vista. What I mean is past the different interface . They learnt there mistake by marketing xp sp1 xp sp 2 xp xp 3 as the same product so the inovation was made to create more money by changing intefaces and making it seem like a completely different OS. But if you work with all three it feels the same and the undelying mechanisims are so alike.Anyway the problems of windows gives me a job figuring out whats the problem


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